JW Show Podcast No. 2: Megaphone

Feb 5, 2008 by


It’s time for podcast number two! Yay!

It dawned on me the other day that some of you might have been tired of just reading about this podcast. I’ve decided to write a blog entry and a podcast entry every week, so if you want to read a good ol’ fashioned blog story, just scroll down. You can read about our (soon to be) new addition to our household.

It also occurred to me (“that did NOT occur to us, Dude.”) that some of you may be looking in your dictionary for the word PODCAST and may be a bit bewildered by the whole concept. Let me explain how the whole thing works. I’ll start with it’s roots but I’ll just talk about the form that I’m doing which is very much like TiVO for you radio (thanks, Sean! That was a good one.).

It’s the easiest if we think of it it’s place in history (Biddle-de-boop, biddle-de-boop…). People had begun to move away from true, commercial radio because the commercials got boring and needless with MP3 players. Then with the advent of fast internet connections people started to listen to internet radio but people started to fathom getting internet radio onto a mobile device. Those times are not here yet, but perhaps soon.

In the meantime, podcasting has begun to utilize it’s large, on-demand, downloadable form so people can take radio with them. Podcasting is used for a number of other functions too, but we’ll just focus on On-Demand Radio.

Because the part you listen to is a downloadable MP3 this form of radio falls under legal reproduction gray and red areas. Suffice it to say, it’s illegal to pile music MP3s together and make them available for download UNLESS you have permission to do so. That’s a big part of my job is to go out, listen to music on myspace and else ware, find good tunes, and get permission to play them.

Then, I create something that’s like a webpage file, telling certain podcast programs what to place in the “description” window and where to send the user (that’s you!) when the click on the “subscribe” button or the “download” button.

So, in a nutshell, my specific podcast is a MP3 that you download once a week that’s a new show each time. It’s really that simple.

If you have iTunes or another podcatcher (the program that reads the “webpage-like” file – called an XML file) you can set it to download every new show when it becomes available. Then, if you plugged your ipod in overnight on Tuesday, you’ll have the new JW Show to listen to in the car (or on the bus) on the way to or from work without having to even lift a finger. Cool, huh?

Don’t have iTunes? That’s OK! I found another great podcatcher that’s free and works for either Mac or PC. It’s called Juice (formally iPodder, but useable for any MP3 device) and you can find it at juicereceiver.sourceforge.net. (No, they didn’t pay me to say that. I just want you to be able to listen.)

If you want a detailed description of the whole medium, go to http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss. See, that’s Harvard! They’ve got to know what they’re talking about!

So… if all that doesn’t help, just right-click on the link to the current show, or here and choose “save linked file…” or “save link as…” and you can just download it straight from here. If you “open in new window” instead and then bookmark the page that comes up (a bit strange, but hold on) this specific MP3 file I’ll be updating every week with the current show. So, if you don’t want to bother with a podcatcher or iTunes (or you’re doing this at work… shhh…) you can “ghetto podcatch”.

As far as iTunes… I’ll let you know when iTunes finally lists the show, they’re taking their sweet time, but that will make things way easier for those of you who have iTunes.

Speaking of internet radio, a colleague of mine does a dual internet radio/podcast that you should take a listen to if you enjoy the JW Show. His name is Sean and he’s over at indieuprising.net. His radio show happens every Wednesday on XND Radio and you can find the show at either place on the web. You’ll also see his link in the sidebar from now on too. Once you get started with the podcasts, you’ll need more than just one per week, so grab his too. We’re talking about swapping some interviews, I’ll have him on the show, he’ll have me so this won’t be the last time you hear about him.

But, onto the show…

The artist of the week this week is Megaphone from Orlando, Florida. It all started with drummer who decided he wanted to be a lead singer. Well, this happens to all drummers at some time or another, but Matt Bloodwell decided to do something about it. He picked up the guitar and found a bunch of other fantastic musicians in the Orlando area. Apparently people don’t go there just to die anymore (Hi Debbie and Dan, how’s the condo?).

Their tupperware-tight songs and the memorable lyrics which are hard to get out of your head – you’ll hear two of their songs on the show this week. Go visit them at www.megaphonemusic.com and tell them you heard them on the JW Show. That would make me proud.

Here’s the playlist for this week. Next week’s playlist is shaping up nicely, but that’s in the future…

Thanks again for all your love, support, and generosity. I said this to Gospel Gossip when they sent me their CD this week, but I’ll say it to everyone: I take the gift of music with honor and respect. I truly do.

Playlist: The Justin Wayne Show – Episode 2

No. “Song Title” – Albumname – Artistname

1. “Puppies n’ Kittens” – Sam Squared

2. “Bein’ in Love” – The Fish Don’t Mind – Skeletons With Flesh On Them

3. “Don’t Say No” – The Jamestown Story

4. “Best Friends For Never” – Best Friends For Never – Dropout Year www.myspace.com/dropoutyear

5. “I Can Feel It” – Oh The Places You’ll Go – Lights Out Dancing

6. “Shaken Me” – Never Heard ‘Em Coming… – Oh Crap! Ninjas

Band of the Week!
7. “Drama Queen” – For Cryin’ Out Loud – Megaphone
8. “Not Your Enemy” – For Cryin’ Out Loud – Megaphone

9. “Come Around” – Sing It Loud – Sing It Loud

10. “Crooked ladder” – The Devil I Know – Mercy Machine

11. “Evolution of The Blood Star” – Evolution of the Blood Star – Norine Braun

12. “Televolve” – Moss Green – Wesafari

13. “Magnified” – Stuff – Very Large Array

14. “25 Years (Bart Starr Version)” – The Great Music – Joe Sibol

Thanks everyone for a great show! See you next week.




  1. Maggie


    I love your podcasts! They provide me with much needed good new music that I would not have otherwise discovered. Also, you have kept me very entertained during class…I mean, during my spare time. Your humor and personality come through clearly in your writing; it makes me miss/remember when we hung out.

    Can’t wait to hear/see the next podcast!


  2. .sean

    *throws up rock fist

    looking forward to interviewing & being interviewed! great 2nd show! there’s so much great music out there, how’d i miss some of these bands?!

    Skeletons With Flesh On Them is my new favorite band name.
