Episode 17: Back to the Roots

Jun 8, 2008 by


This episode is specifically to shine some extra light on those who go way back into the early history of the Justin Wayne Show but I never really get to thank. I’m going to do that now.

Obligatory picture of our dog, Abby. I’m gonna start including at least one picture with every addition to the blog. I’m a visual learner, so I’ll bet some of you are too.

First and foremost I want to thank (again) John Williams for the use of his tracks on a regular basis. He’s a great guitar musician out of Seattle and graciously let me use his tracks for the show’s imaging before ever hearing a show. I asked him and I think he said something like, “go crazy man, let me know if you need anything else.” We’ll have to interview him soon so you can hear from the voice that creates all those wonderful guitar riffs. And, he’s also a Seattle-based producer so if you’re looking for a guy to record and produce an album for you and/or your band look him up. You can find him at www.johnwms.com.

Also, a man that I met in the back alleys and pubs of N1, London. He goes by the handle of Brother Dan Palmer and we ran into each other at an open mic one fantastic evening over there. He jumped on board when I told him about the podcast and has given me nothing but kind words and support throughout. He just started cranking out tunes again, this time recorded with a producer in Nashville, Tennessee. You’ll be hearing those on the show and I threw in one this week too. Check him out on his website at www.brodanproductions.com.

I should also give a shout to the missing in action, man of the hour Ryan Flynn who is the voice of all my imaging and was a huge support in getting the initial show idea off the ground and running. Without him this show would be dull, so thanks my friend!

And now, for the playlist of the week. Oh, I can’t forget to thank YOU the avid blog watcher and listener! Thank you!

The Justin Wayne Show Episode 17: Back to the Roots
Play Show Now

“One at a time (featuring Monica)” The Art of Not Blending In Burnshee Thornside

“Meant For You” The Nashville Sessions Brother Dan Palmer

“Run in the Front” Small Steps Heavy Hooves Dear and the Headlights

“Cupid Found His Mark” Quickstar Productions Presents – Chill Out Dropout Year

“Dark As Night” Here’s Some Music Jake Rowan

“Birthday Suit” Who Invited Roger The Clintons

“E-Brake” My Side Hurts John Mclellan

“Alone in a Crowd” Mountain Mirrors Mountain Mirrors

“Paris” Oh, Beatrice Tacks, The Boy Disaster

“A Perfect Night” Stranger in Nowhere Land Alex Apodaca

“Gone Fishin'” Dusty Porch John Williams

“Alarm Bell City” Alarm Bell City The Apple War

“At Least You’ve Been Told” Ill Be Here Awake Arthur Yoria

“Unforgettable Night” Broken Summer Jamestown Story

Thanks for another great show! Take care, stay safe!