Artists Links – Updating and Checking… Finally!

Jun 13, 2012 by

Yes, I don’t do enough blogging on here, I agree.  I did want to make sure that all of  you artists who visit the site get a chance to check the links back to your web properties as we’ve got over 600 artists now who have been played on the show and we’re finally getting this list up to date.

Please have a look over here and let me know if we’ve got teh right link or if your link is missing, let me know that too.  Email is the best: jw (at) thejustinwayneshow (dot) com.

Check out the Justin Wayne Show Artist Page

justin-wayne-artists-pageWe’ve finally developed a local depository of links which then populate the rest of the website.  The technology is pretty cool, it’s mostly done with a spreadsheet and the Linkify Text plugin from the kind people at Coffee2Code.

Many of the artists who have joined us in the last four months haven’t quite made it on here yet, but don’t let that stop you in telling me you want to be on this list.

However, using a spreadsheet and not the WordPress Links Blogroll functionality was certainly not the best way to do this.  The way I’d do this if I could go back to the beginning would be these two plugins:

  1. LinkIt – to “linkify” all of the text on the site which matches your blogroll target – for example: Cinemawave.
  2. WP Render Blogroll – to create a page with all of the artist’s links.

Then, you enter a link into your blogroll once under the category “LinkIt” and it turns all the text across your site with those exact keystrokes into links.  When you crazy artists change your websites, we only have to do it once.

Hope this helps you music podcasters or bloggers!



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